Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Memories of my Sisters part 6 - Music

Music is a wonderful thing. It unites, it divides us, it inspires and comforts us. I think that pretty much describes how music was for my sisters. Come to think of it, the whole family.

Dad looking groovy on the organ

According to my Aunty Joan, my Dad's side of the family is very musical. My Great Grandad was apparently the founder member of Marple brass band and my great Aunt was an Opera singer and well as teaching singing and piano. My Dad plays piano too and music was always a topic of discussion at home. However as kids, only Janet showed any real interest in playing an instrument. I remember there being a recorder club at primary school and Janet wanted to have a go. She picked it up really well and started to learn the basics of reading music. She seemed very good and played in concerts that the school organised. I still remember her recorder. It was an ivory coloured Hohner that Mum and Dad had bought her. I wonder if they still have it?
Janet's lovely Hohner C soprano recorder

Maybe the next Knott musician - My nephew Matthew

Dad used to try and teach us to play piano but we just didn't have the patience. I always wanted to play out, as did the girls. I really regret not persevering with the piano. I think it is a fantastic instrument. In my teens I decided I was going to be a guitar hero and saved all my paper round money to buy an electric guitar. I should have saved my money. I was and still am, properly rubbish. I did have lessons and learnt a few chords but I could never string a full song together. I think the musical genes bypassed me.

Our family tastes in music were wildly different. We always used to bicker at the dinner table over who's music was best. My Dad likes brass bands and and military music as well as opera and classical, whereas Mum is not really that bothered and preferred 'something quiet and soothing'. Both Janet and Erika were fanatical about music and would save up for all the albums and singles they could. Janet's undisputed favourite was Barry Manilow, Erika's was Michael Jackson. They would constantly argue about who was  best. I hated Barry Manilow with a passion and MJ was not far behind. Like I said, music can divide too. I look back and wonder why I was so narrow minded about music?

Barry Manilow - I hated Barry Manilow - I now have 3 Barry Manilow songs on my iPod 

I hated Michael Jackson - Guess what's on my iPod now?

My Sisters did however, like lots of other music and the pair of them would sit on a Sunday evening and listen to the top 40. Groups such as ABBA, Supertramp, Sparks, Jon & Vangelis from the 70s, then Wham, Culture Club, Bananarama, Frankie goes to Hollywood in the 80's. No doubt I have forgotten loads of their favourite bands. The list was endless.

Bananarama - I had a secret crush on the one on the left

I remember the DJ Tommy Vance who did the top 40 count down. He was very cool and had an amazing voice. He presented the Friday rock show at 10pm back in the 70's and 80's. It was way past my bed time but I used to tune in on my portable cassette player and listen to it with the volume really low, so Mum and Dad couldn't hear. I recorded every it week on a TDK C90 and played it to death the following week until the next show. I got to like rock and heavy metal from listening to Tommy Vance's dulcet tones. So on my list of favourites were groups like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath then Rainbow and Iron Maiden. As you can imagine dinnertime conversations about music got quite fraught and nearly came to blows on more than one occasion. There was many a tear shed over the merits of 'Mandy' over 'Smoke on the Water' or 'Thriller' over "The Number of the Beast' Mum and Dad would quite often have to pull us apart. Happy days.

Sabbath - Yep! I was a real 'greaser' back then - still am inside

My brother Harvey also became a 'metal head' - he's gonna kill me for this picture

So whilst Janet and Erika followed the fashion in the early 80's with big hair and shoulder pads, listening to Duran Duran and Whitney Houston. I became a lanky teenage dirtbag listening to Sabbath and AC/DC with greasy denim jackets and long hair.

Owen Paul was Janet and Erika's "favourite waste of time"

I will always remember the occasion when both Janet and Erika wanted to go and see a so called pop star,  Owen Paul. I think he had a hit out called "you're my favourite waste of time' It was one of those annoyingly catchy tunes that you can't get out of your brain for days. My sisters were crazy about him. I thought he was a....well I won't say what I thought. By this time both Janet and Erika were finding walking difficult. They could both just about still walk, but needed assistance. Dad was really not keen on going to the Apollo to sit with thousands of screaming girls and said they couldn't go. I am not really sure what happened next but I volunteered to take them. As I mentioned before, I was a long haired heavy metal freak. So"me' go to an Owen Paul gig? The shame! Anyway Mum or Dad (can't remember which) drove us down and dropped us off outside the Apollo in Manchester and I helped them both to their seats. The place was full of pre-pubescent girls. The only blokes were the occasional protective Dad who looked just as embarrassed as I felt. Anyway the afore mentioned Mr Paul took to the stage and the place went mental. I know how the Beatles or Take That must have felt after that concert. Janet and Erika loved it to bits and I have to say, the smiles on their faces made up for the ignominy of a 'metal head' ending up at an Owen Paul gig. I did manage to keep that one quiet for years. in fact I don't think I ever told my mates about it to this day. I am in for it now.

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