Thursday, 6 October 2011

My Tribute to Steve Jobs

I know this is nothing to do with my challenge or to my charity but I wanted to pay a small tribute to the man.
As the saying goes "from small acorns grow large trees" Steve Jobs along with Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers in his parents garage in 1976. With no money and just his charisma he persuaded a local electronics shop to fund his idea to make a computer that would be accessible to normal consumers like you and me. From that humble beginning he created the worlds first personal computer, the Apple 1. The rest is enshrined in computing, business and social folklore.
As of writing this post, Apple is quoted by the Dow Jones index as the most valuable  company on the planet. However Steve Jobs was not interested in money. He was a very rich man but led a fairly minimalist lifestyle based on buddhist principles he gained during the hippie counter culture of the 60's and 70s.
Steve Jobs was a notoriously difficult man, some would say a tyrant with his staff. Whatever the truth is, he certainly got the best out of his employees. His products  have quite literally defined our age. The Apple 1, The Mouse, The Graphic User Interface (Windows only came about after Apples GUI) Tim Berners Lee set in motion the World Wide Web on a computer that Steve Jobs built. The quite astonishing Pixar Animation Studios. The beautifully conceived iMac, The iPod, iTunes, The iPhone, The iPad. The App store. Apple products have changed industries and driven creative minds the world over.
In my view no single person in the last 30 maybe 100 years has been more instrumental in the way the world does things. Great is a much over-used compliment nowadays but I think we can be fairly safe in saying that Steve Jobs was a Great Man.

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